Lucian and The Long Ride on the Huffington Post

We were picked up last week by the Huffington Post! I wrote up a piece about the election and sustainable energy. Start reading below and please tell me what you think!

The Huffington Post

Environmental issues haven’t been a main topic of the election because the candidates are focusing on digestible “sound bites” and are unwilling to venture into the environmental vortex. Why? Because they have no credible environmental track record to promote (in the case of Obama) or no plan that can be explained in a few words or less (in the case of Romney). The candidates are setting up an either/or situation, in essence saying that we can take care of the economy or the environment, but not both, versus thinking of them as interrelated components of a healthy community. The candidates are not talking about the environment, but they are talking about energy policy because they can tie energy production to jobs, economic growth, and energy independence from the volatile Middle East, and these sound bites can help promote their platform.

Read the full article here

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