- For Lucian Spataro Photo by Sue Morrow, September 2017, Athens, OH From left, Lucian Spataro, Lori Spataro, Victoria Goss, Karen Richardson
- Land being restored to pasture for horses in Athens, Ohio, October 2017, by Lucian Spataro. Photographs by Sue Morrow, Sue Morrow Productions, LLC
- Land being restored to pasture for horses in Athens, Ohio, October 2017, by Lucian Spataro. Photographs by Sue Morrow, Sue Morrow Productions, LLC
- Land being restored to pasture for horses in Athens, Ohio, October 2017, by Lucian Spataro. Photographs by Sue Morrow, Sue Morrow Productions, LLC
We will show a short video about Last Chance Corral in Athens, Ohio which is the teaser to the documentary “Born to Die”. Every year during breeding season, hours-old, non-pedigreed foals are taken from their mothers, whose job is to be a nurse mare to a thoroughbred baby while the thoroughbred mare is rebred. This cycle continues, year after year. The foals with championship potential are nourished by nurse mare’s milk critical to the health and survival of a baby horse while the non-pedigreed are discarded foals, left to die. But since 1991, about 150 foals every year have been lucky enough to be rescued by the Last Chance Corral in Athens, Ohio during foaling season every January through June. This documentary is the story of their rescue.